Not-for-profit organizations are started by volunteers who have a passion for a cause — not necessarily a passion for finance, spreadsheets, project management and governance. But neglecting those operational details can collapse a nonprofit organization and prevent them from carrying out their mission.

A local nonprofit organization had an important mission to promote STEM education for girls, but the handful of volunteers that founded it had no experience with running the organization, how to write the bylaws and policies, or what their responsibilities as board members would be. Even after attending free workshops designed to help nonprofits remain complaint with their own bylaws and Alberta laws & regulations, they were no closer to making the decisions that needed to be made in order to proceed. The frustration with the complex requirements and sometimes conflicting advice from different sources had left them on the verge of giving up. All they really needed was clarity and a plan. ProVision was able to guide them forward so they could do what they had set out to do.

ProVision believes in giving back too, and supporting nonprofits to achieve their goal — advising services are offered to one not-for-profit per year on a pro-bono basis. Interested organizations can express their interest by filling out this form:

Result: Saving the world, one kid at a time
Leveraging Your Success